Wildlife Safety

Tumbler Ridge is an outdoor enthusiasts paradise. As you get ready to head out on your next adventure it is important to remember some important wildlife safety tips. They include:

  • Keep Your Distance: Always maintain a safe distance from wildlife. Appreciate their beauty from afar without approaching or attempting to interact with them.

  • Pets On Leash: Keep your pets on a leash and under control at all times. This helps in preventing any unwanted interactions with wildlife and ensures the safety of your furry friends.

  • Do Not Feed or Disturb: Resist the temptation to feed, disturb, or handle wildlife. This can be harmful to the animals and create potentially dangerous situations for you.

  • Stay on Established Trails: Using established trails helps minimize your impact on the land and reduces disturbance to wildlife habitats. It also ensures you're less likely to encounter wildlife unexpectedly.

  • Respect Others and the Environment: Be mindful of other viewers and respect their space. Tumbler Ridge's backcountry is a shared space; let's keep it enjoyable for everyone.

Bear Safety:

  • Never Feed Bears: Feeding bears can habituate them to human food, making them more aggressive and dependent on human sources.

  • Be Defensive: Make noise while hiking to avoid surprising a bear. A surprised bear can be a dangerous bear.

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about bear behavior, signs of their presence, and how to avoid encounters. Knowledge is your best defense.

  • Know What to Do: If you do encounter a bear, stay calm, back away slowly, and never run. Carry bear spray and know how to use it.

  • Unique Encounters: Remember, each bear encounter is unique, and there are no one-size-fits-all rules. Trust your instincts and respond appropriately to the situation.

By following those tips you decrease your chances of negative wildlife experiences. Let’s enjoy Tumbler Ridge’s backyard, come and discover the heart and soul of a region that will always be wild!


Balancing Growth and Nature